Wendy Luhabe

Wendy Luhabe

Current title
Social Entrepreneur; Economic Activist

Course at Wits Business School
Management Advancement Programme, 1985

A defining moment in my career
After spending about ten years in corporate South Africa from 1981 to 1991, I was overlooked for a marketing position that became available. The marketing manager would not even allow me to be interviewed. 

I think he said I was not ready or something to that effect. This was after spending three years working in the US, precisely to prepare myself for career advancement opportunities like this one.

It was a defining moment for me for a number of reasons. Firstly, because I came to realise that I live in a world where someone else believes they have the responsibility to determine the pace of my career development without due process. Secondly, because the incident inspired me to start my first business, Bridging the Gap. 

Thirdly, because had this not happened I may have never considered exploring the road less travelled. I may have never taken the risk into the unknown. I would have never discovered what I am really capable of. It is true that adversity stimulates invention, particularly when we believe in our greatness. So we must always seize the moment.

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